Is it Ok Wearing Running Shoes Casually?

Is it OK Wearing Running Shoes Casually

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The average person spends about 90% of their day either sitting or standing and less than 10% moving.

As a runner, I know that it’s important to have a good pair of running shoes for your feet. But how about the rest of the time?

Should you wear running shoes all day long?

It’s easy to slip on a comfy pair when you’re running errands or going out with friends. But is it bad for your knees and hips in the long run?

Is it possible that wearing running shoes casually is worse for your body than when you wear them while running?

The short answer is yes.

But read on, and we’ll discuss in more detail are running shoes good for walking casually?

What Are Running Shoes and What Do They Do?

What Are Running Shoes and What Do They Do?
What Are Running Shoes and What Do They Do?

Running shoes are specially designed to support your feet and protect them from the impact of running.

They are the essential piece of gear for any runner.

Wearing running shoes casually can help prevent injury and improve performance, if chosen properly. However, the wrong shoes can lead to shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and other foot pain.

Whether it’s for fitness or to compete in a race, the running you do will largely determine which shoe is ideal.

For instance, a pair of stability running shoes may be best for someone who needs more support and wants to avoid injury.

On the other hand, a lightweight trainer is perfect for someone who primarily runs for fitness and doesn’t want any added weight on their feet. 

But, in recent times, I’ve heard a few people saying that running shoes are also suitable for casual wear. I’ve also heard that they are good for the knees and hips if you wear them all day long.

Do I believe them: No.

Wearing running shoes casually all day long is terrible for your knees and hips in the long run. 

Running shoes are designed for one thing, i.e. running. They provide arch support, cushioning, and stability, which can help keep your feet, knees, hips, and other joints healthy.

Should You Walk Using Casual Running Shoes?

The answer to this question is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. It all depends on the person and how they use their shoes.

Many people wear their running shoes to work or while hanging out with friends. But they don’t know that this is worse for their body. 


The running shoes you wear when you’re out for a long day can cause an imbalance in your feet. This imbalance could lead to pain and other problems in the long run.

So, what should you do?

When you wear your running shoes make sure you wear them for shorter periods, especially while running only. This will help keep your body and feet safe and healthy.

To make things even easier, I’ll recommend using your running shoes and walking sneakers both for separate tasks.

That way, you won’t have to worry much!

Why You Must Not Wear Running Shoes Casually

There are various reasons for not wearing running shoes casually all day long. 

  • There are different requirements for your feet when you’re walking or running. Running shoes don’t provide much support towards the back of the legs, which is crucial while walking. This can lead to ankle injuries as well as back pain.
  • Secondly, because running shoes are not designed for all-day wear, they do not provide enough arch support for those who need them. This can lead to plantar fasciitis, a condition where the plantar fascia ligament in your foot becomes inflamed and causes pain.
  • Thirdly, running shoes offer enough cushioning compared to classic sneakers or runners, which gradually decrease over time. That’s why you should avoid wearing them casually.
  • Also, the foam in running shoes typically has a very short life span. After about 300-400 miles, you’ll see a significant decrease in cushioning and support. You’ll not want to replace your running shoes more frequently.
  • Lastly, a good shoe for running is more expensive than regular shoes. If you degrade its quality by wearing them continuously, you’ll end up spending a huge amount of money on your footwear only.

How does your foot change when you’re not running?

Various foot problems
Various foot problems

You might be worried about how running shoes affect your feet.

When you’re not running, the arches in the foot flatten a bit, and the foot becomes a bit flatter. When you run, the arches rise, and your foot is more of a “bouncy” shape.

So if you wear running shoes all day long, it can lead to a few problems.

The first is, it can lead to back, knee, and hip pain. The reason for this is that when you’re not running, your feet are flat, and your body weight rests on the back of your heels.

While you run, the arches in your feet raise, and ultimately your toes will have to bear some of the weight.

The second problem is that if you wear running shoes all day long and don’t give your feet a break, your feet will constantly be in a state of “bouncing” shape. This can lead to swelling of your feet.

So what should you do?

Wear running shoes only when you run and wear different shoes for everyday life tasks. This will preserve the natural shape of your foot and prevent any long-term damage to your joints and muscles.

The good news is that there are plenty of fashionable casual athletic shoes like sneakers or trainers that work for both light running and everyday walks.

What is the best way to dress your feet?

The best way to dress your feet is to pick and choose the best option for the activity you’re doing.

Let’s say you’re going on a walk and you want to keep your feet healthy. You must wear a pair of shoes with adequate support and cushioning for your feet, or even sneakers will do a good job.

But if you’re sitting or standing for hours at work, it might be better to wear shoes with a little more support for your feet and joints. 

The bottom line is that you should be thinking about the activity you are doing and selecting the correct sized shoe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I be wearing running shoes casually all day?

No, you should wear running shoes only for running. Wearing them daily as party wears or for light walks will degrade the shoe’s quality, and you’ll not get better traction. Also, it can cause foot imbalances.

Is it okay to wear running shoes to walk in?

Although walking and running shoes serve a different purpose but wearing walking running shoes can sometimes be OK. But if you’re doing it regularly, you’ll have to replace your shoes more frequently. Plus, if your shoes are not up to the mark, you can also face various foot injuries.

Can you wear running shoes for the gym?

You can wear running shoes in the gym if your main workout is treadmill walking or light runs. Lifting heavy weights with your running shoes will put external pressure on your heels, and you may face severe injuries. 

Is it OK to wear running shoes with jeans?

Yes, wearing running shoes with jeans is fine unless you’re not wearing your shoes for heavy workouts or your usual walk. Running shoes mostly look good in all attires except formal or traditional khakis.


Wearing running shoes casually all day long is a terrible idea. They are designed for your feet to absorb the shock from running. So it may seem like a good idea to wear them all day long, but it can lead to major issues.
One of the main reasons you should take off your running shoes is to rest your Achilles tendon. When you take off your running shoes, you let your Achilles tendon rest and recover.
Additionally, wearing running shoes casually often leads to shin splints and inflammation of the Achilles tendon. This can be painful and will limit your ability to run as well as you should.
So, what should you wear? There are many different options, from slippers to boots to sneakers. It depends on what you need from your footwear and what you’re planning to do with them.

If you are looking for more informational posts, make sure to check out our blog.

Shoes Think

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